
Unveiling the Healing Power of Shamanic Celebrations with Leo Rutherford and Peter Askew

In a world where the pursuit of holistic well-being has become increasingly prevalent, the transformative impact of shamanic practices continues to captivate seekers of inner balance and spiritual clarity. Leo Rutherford, an esteemed shamanic practitioner with over 30 years of experience, coupled with the expertise of Peter Askew, a renowned yoga instructor and shamanic adept, converge to offer an immersive and soul-enriching experience that promises to redefine the essence of personal wellness.

Standing as luminaries in their respective fields, the dynamic duo invites participants to embark on an extraordinary odyssey around the wheel of life, delving into the profound connection between the Earth and our physical being. This profound exploration encompasses a deep introspection into the intrinsic relationship with everything physical – encompassing not only the environment, but also the corporeal vessel that houses our spirit.

Delving into the holistic philosophy that underpins shamanic traditions, the journey is intricately moulded to enable individuals to rediscover their personal sovereignty and liberation, evolving into an authentic realization of self. As Leo Rutherford elegantly articulates, “the shamanic path is about developing our personal sovereignty, our right to Realize our True Self.”

Through a series of enriching experiences, guided by the wisdom of Leo Rutherford and Peter Askew, participants are provided with a unique opportunity to rekindle their spiritual kinship with the Earth, fostering a deeper understanding of one’s purpose and interconnectedness. The celebration embodies not only a transformative experience but also serves as a gateway to unlocking the hidden potential within oneself.


This immersive experience is a testament to the profundity of shamanic celebrations in fostering a harmonious relationship with the Earth and one’s own consciousness, offering a gateway to unlocking the unexplored realms of personal growth and well-being.

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